
Pierangelo Pompa, born in 1979 in Rome, director and researcher in theatre studies. 

Since 2006 he is working at Odin Teatret as an assistant to the director Eugenio Barba for different creations and projects in Denmark, Italy, China and Taiwan. In 2008 he founds Altamira Laboratory, a research and creation group, with whom he creates plays and develops pedagogical activities between Italy and Denmark. His major creations are Io guardo il mare, Don Giovanni - scherzo per servo e padrone, Dodici parole buone and Il Giardino, along a great number of etudes, such as Le menzogne della notte and Lost in the forest. These last years he organizes several workshops and conferences in theaters and international institutions, such as in cooperation with the University of Ferrara (Italy) and the Central Academy of Drama of Beijing. Since 2012 he leads international pedagogical projects in the framework of WIN (Workout for intercultural Navigators), a program of Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium, where he works as  "director in residency". He completes his university studies in theatre history and modern languages. Since 2008, he develops researches and translations linked to traditional and contemporary chinese theatre. He is doing research travels to China and publishes essays and articles for the magazine Teatro e Storia.

Carolina Albano, born in Rome in 1982, actress and singer.
She participates as a child in the film Strana la vita by G. Bertolucci. She attends in Italy several workshops, led by Matteo Tarasco, Bruce Myers, Cathy Marchand of the Living Theater, as well as by the theater group Milon Mela. Alongside she works as an actress for the project of didactic experimentation of modern Chinese theatre at the University of Naples under the direction of Lorenzo Montanini. In 2008 she gets her diploma in film history and critics from the university of Rome. She continues her apprenticeship as an actress in Poland, under the direction of Piotr Borowski, then enters his theatre company - Studium Teatralne - with which she works until 2012. In the last years she participates in the creation of the play Linia powrotu in Poland, Switzerland and Belarus; she is working with Teatr Remus of Warsaw on the project Kobierce V, and sings in an experimental music group called Lucyna uśmiecha się mimo woli.

Fabio Ezechiele Sforzini, born in 1972 in Ravenna, actor and teacher in gestural theatre. After a time of apprenticeship in circus and street theatre he goes to Paris, to become a mime at Théâtre de l'Ange Fou, formed by the former assistants of Etienne Decroux (S.Wasson, C. Soum et T. Leabhart). In 2003 he participates in the year of research in corporal composition, led by T. Leabhart at Hippocampe and participates in two creations directed by T. Leabhart: Les guerres que j'ai vues et Eau. In 2004 he is invited to be a teacher at Hippocampe, centre of research and training in corporal mime of Paris, and later at the International Dance Academy of Paris. Among his creations and cooperations: L'opéra de quat’sous, Les caprices de Marianne, Un homme est un homme and L’enfant d'éléphant for Sorano theatre of Toulouse; Carnet de Voyage, Frankenstein (le rêve de Marie) and Histoires de Ville with Théâtre Diagonale of Lille; Trilogie Dario Fo with SAS théâtre of Toulouse; Dom Juan, Arlequin navigue en Chine, Prova Aperta with Luca Franceschi and Cie de L’Improvviso (Montpellier). Dramuscules, Tout doit disparaître and Cent vingt-trois with Compagnie Oui Bizarre (Toulouse); Juste une valse by Théâtre des grands Chemins, Bérénice by J.C. Nieto (Marseille). Fabio Ezechiele Sforzini today is interested by contemporary dance, clown, commedia dell'arte and traditional japanese theatre, along with his work as an actor and pedagogue.

Julia Filippo studies in the music and singing school of Laura Benizzi. She studies also dancing with the disciples of Hervé Diasnais and gets in touch with the Lecoq method (movement, mask and clown). She works in Milano in collaboration with artists like Walter Leonardi (Teatro Ringhiera) and Eleonora Danco (Teatro Franco Parenti). In 2008 she directs La Bohème at Teatro dei Vigilanti and starts a collaboration with the Living Theater, with whom she goes on tour in Palestine and Israel (2009). The same year she starts to work with Annet Hennemann (Hidden Theater) on two plays, one of them is programmed at the Transit Festival organized by Odin TeatretIn 2012 she also starts to work with the company of the theater Era in Pondera and goes on tour to Japan, Brazil, Italy and Portugal. She creates a play with Manuel Ramos Castro, directed by Else Marie Laukvik, actress at Odin Teatret and which has been shown in all Latin America. 

Luca Vonella, born in Rome, in 1980, actor, leads theatre workshops. He starts theatre at the university of Rome, counseled by professor Franco Ruffini, with whom he obtains his diploma. He is taught by Simone Capula, based on principles of theatre anthropology in the Scuola Ambulante di Teatro and founds later the Teatro a Canone in Chivasso. Along with some of the actors of Teatro Tascabile in Bergamo he starts to practice classical indian dance (Kathakali), and finally deepens his skills in India with the Master Kalamandalam K.

Sofie Sontheimer, born in Lunas in 1982, actress and art therapist.
She starts drama as a 6 years old in a children group. At 8 years she starts modern dance continuing for ten years. In 2002 she is taking part in a professional actors school in Toulouse (Vers un acteur pluriel) with Théâtre de l’Acte. Later she works with this group for Deux jambes, deux pieds, mon oeil; Etats de la peur and participates in several improvisations, performances and experimental works (Group Prothée). She is also starting improvisation dance. Alongside she is studying psychology, linguistics and ethology as well as psychoanalytic art therapy in a private school. She is taking private lessons in painting and drawing with the painter and sculptor Ruudt Walkers. She is doing another actors school for three years, where she is having contact with the methods of Stanislavsky, Grotowski, Decroux, the clown and antique tragedy, as well as the work with the neutral mask by Lecoq (Solange Oswald, Toulouse). In 2010 she founds the Théâtre des grands Chemins and creates Juste une Valse (2011) and Mar (2013). In 2012 she takes part in the production 1984 by Cie K PROD (Marseille). Aside she works as art therapist in institutions.

Sonja B. Berg, born in Berlin, in 1980, actress.

She is working since 2007 in theatre research and creation under the direction of Thomas Richards, Anatoly Vasiliev, Gabor Csetniki, Pierangelo Pompa and the Belarus Free Theatre in France, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Denmark and the USA. She studied under the direction of the Teatr Zar/Jaroslaw Fret (Grotowski Centre Wroclaw), Michel Mathieu (Le Ring, Toulouse), Solange Oswald (Groupe Merci, Toulouse), Polina Klimovitskaia (Terra Incognita, New York) and practises popular and sacred singing with Maisternia Pisni (Ukraine). She graduated in performing arts and intercultural communication/educational sciences. She has worked as an assistent the director Mladen Materic (Tattoo Théâtre) and works since 2011 in creation at the Compagnie LOVENA (France).

Valerio Peroni, born in Rome in 1986, actor. He receives a Bachelor of Performing Arts summa cum laude at the Link Academy (European Academy of Performing Arts, University of Malta). The same year he receives a diploma at the LAMDA- London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. In 2006 to 2013 he takes part in several workshops and laboratories, where he meets pedagogues, actors and directors such as Enrico Bonavera, Nikolaj Karpov, Andrea Pangallo, Luciano Colavero, Mamadoue Dioume, Tage Larsen, Pierangelo Pompa. Since 2012 he works with the theatre company Triangolo Scaleno Teatro, led by Roberta Nicolai and takes part in de the production Il trittico dello spaesamento, working as an actor in the second and third part of the triptych called Nudità and L'uomo senza contenuto. Since 2011 he works as an actor and pedagogue with the Laboratorio Teatrale Integrato Piero Gabrielli, led by Roberto Gandini and supported by Roma Capitale, MIUR (Regional office for Education of Lazio) and the Teatro di RomaAlong his work as an actor he is organizing pedagogical activities, giving drama courses for children and teenagers and workshops for acting schools.

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